Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Round 3 Elimination

So as I have been watching a lot of these food documentaries on Netflix it is really making me decide that it's time to eliminate something from my life.  I really want to change my eating habits not just to lose weight but to be more healthy and change my lifestyle.  Giving up sugar is going to be so hard to do but I realize I need to do it.  The hardest part will be eating out or when I am with family or friends and just staying on track.  One of the people in the documentary "Hungry For Change" said its not about telling yourself not to eat something but training yourself not to want that bad food anymore.  

I never really considered myself a disciplined person when it comes to giving things up.  As I reflect back on two things I eliminated from my life I realize it wasn't discipline that motivates me but its knowing its something I have to do to be a better me.  Those two things that I have eliminated were drinking alcohol and cursing.

Not that I had a major drinking problem or anything I really had become just a social wine drinker in my adult years.  I made the final decision to stop drinking in August 2009 after I picked a stupid fight when i was drunk with my then fiancĂ© now husband and I had to say to myself was it really worth it.  I also had the worst hangover of my life and I said its time for change.  The little bit of fun I had being drunk wasn't worth the later repercussions.  That was it for me and I haven't had a drink in almost 4 years.  The hardest part at first was hanging with friends or family and they wonder why I wasn't having any wine or was I pregnant or what had changed.  When I couldn't name one positive thing about drinking that's when I knew I made a right decision.  

Now with cursing that was a little harder to stop doing because it was something that was so easy to just rattle off out my mouth and I didn't have to be angry but it was just general conversation.  Was it that I thought my story sounded better or funnier when I cursed?  I don't know honestly.  Eliminating it from my mouth when I was angry was the hardest but I have come to be not nearly as angry or hot tempered as I used to be.  I think it made me a happier person.  I also think I made God happier because there are so many scriptures referencing the words that come out our mouths and how He doesn't want us speak obscenities.  

Why am I going into such detail about these things?  Because its time for round 3 elimination of toxic things in my life.  For now I will start with food choices but I know there are other toxins that need removing too. 


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