Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Mother's Love

I was watching Wendy Williams the other night and she was talking about an interview that Tamar Braxton had done regarding how she felt after the recent birth of her son.  Here is an excerpt from the article in Sister to Sister Magazine:

Tamar said, "Her love for her first born wasn’t immediate, but he’s definitely stolen her heart now.  Immediately everything changes, but immediately you don’t fall in love. I heard that, that you do, but somebody lied. Just like you fall in love with a person, it’s just like that. They’re little people,” explained Tamar who loves to watch her son with his father."  Apparently after Tamar made this statement she caught some flack from people saying how could she not be immediately in love with her son.  

When I read Tamar's statement I couldn't help but feeling like "that was me"!  I asked myself after having Bryn was something wrong with me that I didn't feel this overwhelming sense of love that everyone described that you have after they are born.  Of course you love your child and you will do anything for them after they are born but it took weeks to fall in love.  It is life altering and the hardest adjustment I have ever had to deal with.  Once I got past the recovery from labor and started feeling somewhat normal and she would look up and smile at me, that's when it hit me.  Now I love her with all my heart and couldn't imagine life without her.

I respect Tamar for her honesty.  Most people would never admit feeling that way for fear of ridicule especially since she is someone in the spotlight.


Full article in Sister to Sister Magazine

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