Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Get it right, get it tight!

Well it's official...it's time to lose some weight for real.  Why is it so easy to gain but so hard to lose?  This is going to be hard but I have to do it.  Having a child is no joke on the change to your body (at least for me).  Now that Bryn is hardly nursing I dont have to make sure I eat enough calories to make enough milk.  I can focus on me and getting my figure back and get back in the two closets of clothes that I can no longer fit.  25 pounds would be cool, 30 pounds even better, 35 pounds would be awesome!  I am going to try and use the myfitness pal app which seems like a free weight watchers.  I also am going to cut out a lot of cheese and meat from my diet along with a lot of other crap.  My journey begins tomorrow.  Encouragement and prayers are welcome :-)

To be continued.....


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